Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Dr. Randall O’Bannon (Director of Education Research for the “National Right to Life Committee”)
They discussed the RU-486 pill taking another teen girls life.
Then, Bob spoke with Brain Camenker (Founder of Mass Resistance)
They discussed the family court in Massachusetts appointing a lesbian judge.
Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Kenny Luck (President and founder of “Every Man Ministries”) He is also the author of the “Gods Man Series”. His latest book: Fight, helps guide men to fight spiritual warfare.
Then, Bob spoke with Jeremy Kingsley (Founder and President of “One life Ministries”) His book: Be Last, teaches us how to get rid of the “me first” mentality.
To review the movies Rod Gustafson and Bob talked about…go to
Open line topic: Free for all Friday!!