Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Peter LaBarbera (President and Founder of “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality”)
They discussed Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear issued an executive order. He added the phrase “sexual orientation or gender identity” for state employees.
Then, Bob spoke with Wendy Wright (President of “Concerned Women for America”)
They discussed today being “Day of Prayer” for marriage, in light of California allowing same sex marriages.
Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Bill Myers. He is a youth worker and co-creator of McGee and Me. He is the author of the Forbidden Doors series and My Life as… series. His book: The Dark Side of the Supernatural, he separates fact from fiction with the supernatural.
Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Gary Cass (Chairman of the “Christian Anti-Defamation Commission”)
His book: Christian Bashing: and the anti-defamation commission, shares about the growth in this country of Christian bashing. He explains how we as Christians can stand up for Christ.