Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Jed Babbin. He is editor of Human Events.
They discussed Nancy Pelosi’s lying about no knowledge of waterboarding.
Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Rick Scarborough. He is President of “Vision America”.
They discussed how he was very upset with Catholics being arrested at Notre Dame.
Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Joshua Muravchick. He is Fellow at the Paul H. Nitze School of advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University.
His book: The Next Founders: voices of democracy in the Middle East, shares about some that are trying to fight for freedom in Middle East.
Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Carl Werner. He received his undergraduate degree in biology at the University of Missouri. He received his doctoral degree in medicine at age 23. He is the Executive Producer of Evolution: the grand experiment video series. His book: Living Fossils: Evolution the Grand Experiment Vol.2 tells the history of where the theory of Evolution started and gives the case against that theory.