Monday, August 17, 2009

Show Highlights,Monday, Aug. 17th, 2009

Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Donte Scala. He is a Political Science Professor for University of New Hampshire. They discussed the recent poll showing Mitt Romney way ahead , and Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin behind in Rep. Primary Poll.

Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Bruce Fleet. He is Founder and Chairman of Fleet Capitol Management, LLC. He is Former Senior Executive at UBS and Merrill Lynch.
His book: The Solomon Secret, takes financial strategies from King Solomon and came up with 7 principles to help us to become more financially stable.

Topic: Bob discussed how the religious left is teaming up with President Obama on the healthcare debate.

Then, Bob spoke with Michael Insalaco. He is an author and has been in advertising for 20 years. His book: 15 Good Reasons Not to go to Church: and one great reason you should, gives the reasons why he and others avoided church and what changed him to now he realizes how important it is.

Topic: Bob asked listeners if they thought people can be good, without God.

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