Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Tim Graham. He is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center. They discussed how the media leans towards the left, especially with Obama.
Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Prof. James Spiegel. He is Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Taylor University in Indiana. He is author of “How to be good in a World Gone Bad”. His latest book: The Making of an Atheist: how immorality leads to unbelief, examines the nature of unbelief, where it stems from.
Topic: There are churches this Easter giving away TV’s, cars, etc for those attending Easter service. Bob took calls asking what listeners thought.
Then, Bob had in studio Andre Cast, the owner of the Sadkhin Complex. Andre explained the program and how it works, in that it is a fast, natural weight loss program. #248-905-5011.
Then, Bob spoke with Mark Matlock. He is founder of Wisdom Works Ministries, and His book: Real World Parents: Christian parenting for families living in the real world, gives parents the tools to raise spiritually healthy children.