Friday, December 17, 2010

Show Highlights, Friday, Dec.17th, 2010

Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Rebecca Kiessling. She is a pro-life activist/speaker and was conceived in rape. They discussed the rally today in front of the soon to open Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic. This is a mega clinic, 17,000 sq feet. They protested for the many babies that will be murdered there.

Then, Bob spoke with Mat Staver. He is President of Liberty Counsel, They discussed the government stepping in and wanting a school to allow a Muslim teacher to take off for three weeks for religious reasons. Next, they will want schools to allow Muslim teachers to leave their classrooms to go pray during Ramadan.

Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Wanda Bauer. She is a counselor and rehabilitation specialist. Her book: Please Don’t Jump, is her journey of being very abused as a child. Being beaten so bad she almost lost her eyesight. She was sent to a foster home and was saved at the age of 12. She offers tools to those caught in abuse.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Paul Meier. He is a MD/Psychiatrist, and ordained minister. He is founder of the nationally known Meier Clinics. If you need help with depression or any other emotional need due to past trauma in your life, please call 1-888-550-8922.
They discussed how to deal with depression during the holidays.

To read the movies reviews of the movies Rod and Bob spoke of, go to

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