Thursday, April 21, 2011

Show Hioghlights, Thursday, April 21st, 2011

The Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Chuck Colson. He is Founder of Prison Fellowship since 1976. He was a former special counsel to President Nixon. They discussed him going back to the prison in Alabama that he spent time for the Watergate scandal. He will be there on Good Friday preaching to the inmates.

Then, Bob spoke to Tony Perkins. He is President of the Family Research Council.
They discussed the conference for pastors that give them special access to Washington. May 25-27th.

The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Dr. Jenell Williams Paris. She is a Professor of Anthropology at Messiah College in Pennsylvania. Her book: The End of Sexual Identity, examines Christians and their sexual identity and how it plays into their relationship with God and others.

Then, Bob spoke with Ron Deal. He is Founder of Successful Stepfamilies. His book: The Smart Stepdad, gives tools for stepparenting successfully.

Then, Bob gave evidence of the resurrection.

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