The Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Mary Tocco. She is on Board of Directors for the World Association for Vaccine Education. She is Director of Vaccine Research and Education for Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines. They discussed the parents that don’t want their children vaccinated may face some obstacles with school administration this school year.
Then, Bob spoke with David Cortman. He is Senior Counsel for Alliance Defense Fund. They discussed ACLU wanting schools to unblock computer filters of the computers the grade school children use.
Then, Bob spoke with Michigan Rep. Thaddeus McCotter. He is running for President in 2012. He discussed the upcoming GOP debate on Sept.7th
The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Pastor Doug Giles. He is Host of Clash He is also the father of Hannah Giles, who cracked the ACORN scandal.
His latest book: Raising Righteous and Rowdy Girls. His book shows fathers how to teach their girls to be a protector of themselves, and still be feminine.
Then, Bob spoke with Janet Thompson. She is founder of Woman to Woman Mentoring. Her book: Dear God, Why Cant I Have a Baby? Is a guide for women that are struggling with infertility.
Open line topic:
Local hospitals and in other states are wanting to protect their patents. By forcing all healthcare workers to get the flu shot. Bob took calls asking if they thought this was right of hospitals to force workers to get vaccinated.