The Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Rich Noyes. He is Director of Media Analysis for Media Research Center.
Rich gave an analysis of the GOP debate held last night.
Then, Bob spoke with Rev. Patrick Mahoney. He is Director of the Christian Defense Coalition. They discussed if denied the right to hold a prayer service at Ground Zero on Saturday, the lawsuit they will file in New York.
The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob had Dr. Grady McMurtry. He is a former evolutionary scientist, now a creation scientist and a Biblical scholar.. He is President of Creation Worldview Ministries.
He took Bible related calls from listeners.
Then, Bob spoke with award winning author, Ann Spangler. Her latest book: The Peace God Promises: closing the gap between what you experience and what you long for, offers tips in how to find peace in our busy lives.
Open line topic:
Bob took listener calls asking if 9/11 should become a national holiday.