Thursday, July 19, 2012

Show Highlights, Monday, July 18th, 2012

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Rob Schwarzwalder. He is Senior Vice President at the Family Research Council.
They discussed how the Boy Scouts of America are not giving in to the Homosexual groups by allowing Homosexuals to be leaders.

The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Dr. Gina Loudon. She is a frequent Contributor on Fox News and Fox Business Channels. She is a regular columnist on
Her book: Ladies and Gentlemen: how the survival of our republic depends on the revival of honor. Her book offers a solution for this.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Wesley Smith. He is Senior Fellow in Human Rights and Bioethics at the Discovery Institute. His book: A Rat is a Pig is a Dog is a Boy, examines the human cost of animal rights.

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