The Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Dale Buss. He is a local journalist. He wrappedup of the Republican National Convention. He also, gave analyses of what’s taking place at the Democratic National Convention.
The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Jeff Harshbarger. He is a former Satanist. His book: Dancing With the Devil, is his and many other occult followers stories of how and why they chose to follow Satan. What struggles they went through in their walk with Satan. How they felt empty, and had no hope. The destructive acts that Satan asked of them. Cutting themselves, drinking human blood, etc... Then, when they found Christ and their lives changed and the LIGHT came into their lives.
Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Daisy Sutherland. She is Founder and CEO of Dr. Mommy LLC.
Her book: Letting Go of Super Mom, shares the tools for Mom’s that are very busy, and need some help in organization.
Open line topic: Mitt Romney has been down in the polls in the “like ability” dept. The Democrats have painted him to be uncaring, and not helpful to people. So, Mitt’s friends and campaign people, have now come out and shared a lot of stories where Mitt has helped many people in need.
Bob took listener calls asking if it was right or wrong of Mitt to allow these stories to come out.