Thursday, November 1, 2012

Show Highlights,Tuesday, Oct. 30th, 2012

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Ralph Reed. He is Founder and Chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition. They discussed how Evangelicals need to get out and vote.

Then, Bob spoke with Fred Lucas. He is WH Correspondent. He discussed how the House Armed Service Committee Chairman Howard Buck Mckeon (R-Calif) is demanding Pres Obama to reveal exactly who ordered what on Set. 11th of this year.

The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Joel Richardson. He is Biblical prophecy Expert. He is a Columnist for WND. He is author of the Islamic Antichrist.
His recent book: MidEast Beast, examines the spiritual case for an Islamic Antichrist.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. T.C. Ryan. He is a counselor to Pastors and Ministry leaders. He struggled for many years with a sex addiction.
His book: Ashamed No More: a pastor’s journey through sex addiction. He shares how he has gotten keeling through this addiction.

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