Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Show Highlights, Tuesday, Dec. 4th, 2012

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Matt Cover. He is a Staff Writer for
They discussed Conservative leaders wanting republicans to stay tough with Fiscal Cliff negotiations.

Then, Bob spoke with William Gheen. He is President of Americans for Legal Immigration.
They discussed what the course of action for Republicans covering amnesty for illegals.

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob had in studio Chris McKaskin (Vice Pres) of Alcoholics For Christ and Jessy Washington (On Elder Board). They took listener calls about any of their concerns with dealing with family members this Christmas that struggle with Alcoholism.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Barry ham. He is a college professor and family and marriage therapist.
His book: God Understands Divorce: a biblical message of grace. He offers biblical insight to divorce. Being divorced twice himself, he can offer tools for healing for the divorced person.

Then, Bob had Scott Goodwin and Jim Scieska of Goodwin and Scieska Law Firm in Birmingham, Mi.  in studio. They took legal calls from listeners.

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