The Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Scott Evans. He is Founder and CEO of Outreach, Inc. They discussed the National Back to Church Sunday, this Sunday. For more info..go to
The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Samuel Katz. He is a Middle East expert. He is co author of Under Fire: the untold story of the attack in Benghazi.
Open line topic: Matthew Cordle was trunk and hit a man and killed him. He made a You Tube video recently and confessed to this. Bob took listener calls, asking how they feel about this video. Should the courts show leniency?
Then, Bob spoke with Pastor Shane Stanford. He is author of Five Stones: conquering your giants, he uses the story of David and Goliath, and personal testimony to show how we can conquer those giants in our own lives.
Open line topic: Pope Francis reaches out to Atheists and Agnostics and says that he believes they can go to Heaven as long as they behave morally and live according to their consciences. Bob took listener calls asking how they felt about his statement.