Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Thursday 02 – 20 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
An examination of the reasons behind the Ukraine unrest.
Study reveals liberal Hollywood is sexist.
CBBO Director fires back at White House claim their report was wrong about minimum wage hike costing jobs.
News Hour Guest Interview: Craig Bannister, Managing Editor for to discuss the battles between the CBO and the White House.
Rest of the Show…..
Guest Interview: Best Selling author and mega-church Pastor Tony Evans to discuss his book “The Power of God’s Names”, regarding the various names of God in Scripture.
Other Issues Discussed……
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the Christian couple whose child died because they refused medical treatment by “declaring” in Jesus’ name their child was healed.
Guest Interview: Dr. Darrell Bock, Research Professor of New Testament Studies and author of “Truth Matters” to discuss answers to common skeptics questions.
I presented evidence for various events like fossilization that are assumed to take millions of years to form, but actually happened recently as part of my continuing Creation Science Series.