Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 09 – 25 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Eric Holder announces planned resignation.
Obama criticizes Ferguson, Mo… the world at U.N. General Assembly.
Ph.D. Climatologist: October 1st will mark 18 years of no Global Warming.
Liberal school students and teachers walk out due to conservative history lesson promoting patriotism.
Ungrateful waitress calls Rush Limbaugh’s $2000 tip “blood money”, gives it to abortion group.
Study: Comparing liberal best selling author’s interview time on Networks to conservatives.
Regarding Obama’s amnesty plan, Joe Biden says Republicans need to “see the Lord” or “see lightning”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Todd Friel, author of “Jesus Unmasked” to discuss who the REAL Jesus of Scripture is.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I continued my series on basic historical facts and evidences support the historicity of the Bible.
California school bans all Christian books from library.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on an op-ed from Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson about hoe Christian business owners should handle people demanding they serve gay weddings.