Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 01 – 15 – 15
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First Hour – News/Politics
John Boehner goes on surprise attack against Obama.
Bartender planned to poison John Boehner.
Ohio Muslim and ISIS sympathizer charged with planning to blow up U.S. Capitol.
Pentagon labels ISIS cyber attack “cyber vandalism”.
Military approval for Obama now down to 15%.
Fox News Poll on Obama policies, positions.
Under pressure, Virginia School District ends program of interrogating Christian homeschool families.
Man awakens after 12 years of vegetative state: “I was aware of everything”.
News Hour Guest Interview: Terry Jeffrey, Editor in Chief for to discuss the U.S. House defunding Obama’s executive Amnesty.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Dr, Jeff Forrey, author of “Scripture and Counseling” to discuss how Scripture and and should be a guide for counseling.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Duke University to broadcast Muslim call to prayer 5 times a day.
Franklin Graham rips Duke University for Muslim Prayer call broadcast.
Prominent Saudi Arabian Clerics declares it forbidden and “sinful” to make a snowman.
Muslim leaders to hold “Stand with the Prophet” rally in Texas.
Guest Interview: Rebecca Greenwood, author of “Defeating Strongholds of the Mind” to discuss how to keep from believing lies of the Enemy.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Missouri teacher refuses to allow student to read Bible during free time.
NBC omits “God” from Pledge of Allegiance.
Christian grandmother and florist being forced to provide services for gay wedding.
Under pressure, Virginia School District ends program of interrogating Christian homeschool families.
Man awakens after 12 years of vegetative state: “I was aware of everything”.