Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 05 – 18 – 15
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Rival biker gangs erupt in Texas gunfire.
Liberals continue to blame Amtrak crash on Republicans not increasing funding.
George Stephanopoulos may not have disclosed all ties to Clinton Foundation.
Great op-ed explaining why Stephanopoulos issue is so important.
Romney boxes Holyfield for charity, scores “knockdown”.
Matthew McConaughey’s Commencement speech tells grads no to feel “entitled”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Dr. John Lennox, author of “Against the Flow” to discuss how the life of Daniel in ancient Babylon compares of Christians in today’s society.
Other Issues Discussed….
Remembering John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Atheist group calls for General to be court-martialed for thanking God in speech.
Guest Interview: Founder of Healing Hearts Ministries International Sue Liljenberg about women healing from their abortions.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on a listeners question on whether you can be Christian and pro-abortion or pro-homosexuality.