Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 06 – 23 – 15
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
SC Governor Nikki Haley calls for Statehouse Confederate flag to come down.
YouGov poll on Confederate Flag opinions.
Op-Ed on the Confederate flag.
Politifact blasts Obama over claiming mass murders only happen in the U.S.
Iranian Parliament chants “Death to America”.
Study: Conservatives have better self control than liberals.
News Hour Guest Interview: Conservative African American Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson to discuss why he opposes South Carolina taking down the Confederate Flag.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Bruce Brummitt, author of “Surviving in the Storm” to discuss his smuggling of Bibles into the old Soviet Union.
Other Issues Discussed….
New documents show Pete Rose did bet on baseball while a player.
Op-Ed from proud, unrepentant abortion doctor.
Pope’s scientific adviser is an atheist who believes in Gaia.
Guest Interview: Best Selling conservative author David Horowitz to discuss his latest book “You’re Going to Be Dead One Day”.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley calling for the Statehouse Confederate flag to be taken down.