Friday, July 17, 2015

Show Highlights, Thursday, July 16th, 2015

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 07 – 16 – 15

Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I examined the claims from liberals that the Planned Parenthood video on selling baby body parts has been “deceptively edited” or “discredited”.
House Republicans order investigation into Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal.
Obama’s National Security Adviser admits we “should expect” Iran to use it’s new money on terrorism.
Obama scolds reporter for asking tough question about U.S. hostages not being part of Iran deal.
New York Times finally decides to put Ted Cruz’s Best Selling book on it’s “Best Seller’s” list.
News Hour Guest Interview: Media Research Center’s Dan Gainor to discuss how the media is handling the Planned Parenthood video story.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Randy Peterson, author of “the Printer and the Preacher” to discuss the relationship between Ben Franklin and George Whitefield.
Other Issues Discussed….
Children’s clothing designers moving away from gender specific clothing.
Guest Interview: Phychiatrist Dr. Ed. Gogek M.D., author of “Marijuana Debunked” to correct the myths argued by the pro-marijuana crowd.

Other Issues Discussed…..
I examined, dissected and debunked a Media Matters/Snopes attempt to claim the Planned Parenthood video on selling baby body parts has somehow been “discredited” or “deceptively edited”.

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