Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 08 – 27 – 15
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Virginia reporter gunman was a black homosexual seeking a “race war”.
Hillary makes anti-gun comments after Virginia shootings.
Trump hits 40% in new poll.
Huffington Post reports Trump has secretly promised not to run as a 3rd Party.
Nearly 200 retired U.S. Generals and Admirals send letter imploring Congress to reject Obama’s Iranian deal.
News Hour Guest Interview: Larry Pratt, Founder of Gun Owners of America to discuss the anti-gun rhetoric of the Left after yesterday’s on-air shootings.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Mark Bouman, author of “The Tank Man’s Son” to discuss his growing up with a physically abusive, racist, Hitler praising neo-nazi father who eventually repented and came to Christ.
Other Issues Discussed……
CNN op-ed actually claims it was Trump who was disrespectful to Jorge Ramos.
Politifact rates completely true Pro-life tweet as “half true”.
Hilton removes all porn from it’s entire hotel chain.
10 year old Ohio boy asks Michigan heart doctor to not make him love Michigan during heart surgery.
Open Line Topic: In light of the Virginia on-air reporter shootings, we discussed a news story about a Pastor who plans to carry a gun during Sunday service.