Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 01 – 21 – 16
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Federal Judge strikes down Obama’s “Executive Privilege” arguments to keep Fast and Furious information secret.
CNN Poll has Cruz in 2nd in New Hampshire.
Norious drug kingpin “El Chapo’s” hideout had a powerful helicopter downing sniper rifle from Obama’s Fast and Furious campaign.
New Coalition calling on Media to report on annual March for Life in Washington D.C.
Inspector General: Hillary unsecured e-mails had info from most secret, classified programs.
News Hour Guest Interview: Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, Director of Operation Save America to discuss the Roe v Wade anniversary.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Conservative black female analyst Crystal Wright, author of “Con Job” to discuss how Democrats continue to hurt African Americans with their policies.
Other Issues Discussed…..
In light of the Roe v Wade Anniversary this Friday, I examined what Scripture has to say about the unborn.
Guest Interview: Dr. Mark Rutland, author of “21 Seconds to Change Your World: Finding God’s Healing and Abundance Through Prayer”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the state of Islam in America.