Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 05 – 18 – 16
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Examples of Facebook censoring conservative views.
Wiccans hold Bernie Sanders ritual rally.
Katie Couric special on gun debate included not one second of 4 hour interview with gun debate expert John Lott.
New poll on Obama’s transgender school bathroom order.
News Hour Guest Interview: Political Analyst and Professor of Government at Clemson University Dr. Charles Dunn to discuss Donald Trump’s interview with Megyn Kelly.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: New Testament Professor Dr. Darrell Bock to discuss his book “How Would Jesus Vote?”
Other Issues Discussed…..
National Geographic story about “Hell”.
I also addressed from a Biblical perspective the debate over the existence of Hell and the different views like annihilationism versus eternal torment, Universalism, a “2nd chance” to accept Jesus after you die, etc.
Guest Interview: Anne Marie Miller, author of “% Things Every Parent Needs to Know About Their Kids and Sex”.
Open line Topic: We discussed the anger over CEO pay being so much higher than their workers compared to celebrities income and the proper Christian way to approach this.