Monday, October 17, 2016

Show Highlights, Friday, Oct. 14th, 2016

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Friday 10 – 14 – 16

Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
ABC, NBC, CBS cover Trumps’ sleazy tape scandal 7 times more than Hillary’s Wikileaks scandal.
Wikileaks: Hillary campaign in 2008 pushed “Obama’s a Muslim” narrative.
Wikileaks e-mails show Hillary’s top officials mocking Catholics, Evangelical Christians.
Wikileaks reveals New York Times allowed Hillary to approve news reported about her.
Examples of Wikileaks e-mails showing collusion between Hillary camp and media.
Wikileaks. Bill Clinton accepted $1 million birthday gift from Qatar (that executes gays and jails raped women.
NBC fired Billy Bush for crude comments on Trump tape, but rehires Alec Baldwin (to play Trump on SNL) who called a reporter a “c*** s***ing f*g”.
Report: All of Justice Department and FBI career investigators wanted Hillary charged with crime.
Rest of the Show…….
Guest Interview: Shelly Miller, author of “Rhythms of Rest: Finding the Spirit of Sabbath in a Busy World”.
Guest Interview: John Bona, author of “The Liberty Book: How Freedom Can and Will Be Won”.
Movie Reviews: Rod Gustafson of to discuss what’s happening in the movies this weekend from a family friendly, Christian friendly perspective.
Free For All Friday

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