Bob Dutko Show Summary – Friday 06 – 30 – 17
Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
House Republicans pass “Kate’s Law”.
White House Statement on House passage of “Kate’s Law”.
White House defends Trump attack Tweet.
White House calls out media on their biased attack reporting.
CNN claims Trump’s criticism of media is making it physically, literally “dangerous” to be a reporter.
Stanford University Professor says it’s “micro aggression” for students to say their homework was “easy”, because it might offend other students who thought it was hard.
Op-ed about SCOTUS ruling on Missouri church playground.
Iran’s Ayatollah says all Muslims are “duty bound” to carry out “Jihad” against Israel.
Twitter allows Planned Parenthood propaganda, but bans pro-life propaganda.
Nancy Pelosi says supporting Planned Parenthood is “an act of worship” and defunding it “dishonors God”.
Rest of the Show…….
With the 4th of July coming up Tuesday, I continued my series on historical documented evidence for America’s Christian Heritage.
Guest Interview: Pastor Zach Hoag, author of “The Light is Winning: Why Religion Might Just Bring Us Back to Life”.
Movie Reviews: Rod Gustafson of to discuss what’s happening in the movies this weekend from a family friendly, Christian friendly perspective.
A Christian look at Sports: Anthony “Vito” Faletti and Brandon Woods of Sports Fan Radio.
Weekly Show Recap
Free For All Friday