Bob Dutko Show Summary – Friday 06 – 16 – 17
Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
Time-Warner CEO (CNN Owner) defends continued sponsorship of “Julius Trump” assassination play.
Sarah Palin considering suing New York Times for Libel and Malice after they made the (false and debunked) claim that Palin’s district targeting map of 2011 was linked to Gabby Gifford’s shooting.
Ted Nugent vows to stop hateful rhetoric.
List of liberal violence against conservatives in just the last 11 months.
Op-ed about the legal reasons Mueller must step down as Special Prosecutor.
Report: NBA Champs Golden State Warriors considering refusing a White House invitation.
Big SCOTUS cases coming up.
Rest of the Show…….
I corrected the mistaken, out of context use of Scripture verses like “Thou Shall Not Kill”, “Turn the Other Cheek”, etc.
Guest Interview: Dr. Laurel Shaler, author of “Reclaiming Sanity” to discuss how Christians can better handle life trauma.
Movie Reviews: Rod Gustafson of to discuss what’s happening in the movies this weekend from a family friendly, Christian friendly perspective.
A Christian look at Sports: Anthony “Vito” Faletti and Brandon Woods of Sports Fan Radio.
Weekly Show Recap
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