Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Show Highlights, Wed. January 23rd, 2008

Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Day Gardner (President of “National Black Pro-Life Union”)
They discussed the black church not preaching and speaking out against abortion.

Then, Bob spoke with Aaron Klein. He is a Jerusalem based journalist and author of “Schmoozing With Terrorists”. You can get his book at
They discussed how the terrorists are watching the US Caucus.

Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Mary Beth Brown. Her latest book: Condi: the life of a steel magnolia. Explains why she thinks Condoleezza Rice should be the Vice Presidential candidate.

Then, Bob spoke with Brent Higgins. He is the Vice President of international operations for “AWE Star Ministries”
He and his wife Deanna wrote “I Would Die For You” a book that tells the story of their life as missionaries and their 15 years old son after a mission trip contracting a deadly bacterial infection and dying. They share his journal and hope it will inspire others to continue to serve the Lord in hard times.

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