Friday, March 20, 2009

Show Highlights, Friday, March 20th, 2009

Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Denise Schick. She is Founder of They discussed the Obama Administration joining U.N. in endorsing normalization of same-sex marriage.

Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Christopher Harvey. He is the first blind person to earn the Masters Degree in Economics from the University of Virginia. His book: Until My Blind Fold Comes Off: a journey of vision without sight, is his story of being shot at the age of 20 and how he didn’t allow even though becoming blind from gun wound, to let that hold him back in life.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Thomas White. He is VP of student services and communications and associate professor of systematic theology at Baptist Theological Seminary.
His book: Franchising McChurch: feeding our obsession with easy Christianity, takes a look at how churches are being more like franchises.

To review the movies Bob and Rod Gustafson spoke of go to

Open line topic: Free for all Friday!!

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