Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Rev. Patrick Mahoney. He is Director of the “Christian Defense Coalition”.
They discussed Gov. Sebelius being very extreme with abortion.
Then, Bob spoke with Day Gardner. (President of “National Black Pro-life Union”)
They discussed the support of the re-introduced Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act.
Then, Bob spoke with Thomas Schmidt. He is Staff Counsel for “Home School Legal Defense Association”
They discussed a German family asking the U.S. for help concerning the trouble they are facing for home schooling their children.
Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Dr. Albert Haase. He is former missionary to mainland China. His book: Living The Lord’s Prayer: the way of the disciple, looks at each verse of the Lord’s prayer and how we can apply it to our lives.
Today, Bob spoke with John Meacham. He is lay Pastor in the Presbyterian Church. His book: Is Your Church Heavenly? A question from Christ to every Christian, examines the 7 letters in Revelation and wants us to look at our own churches.