Monday, September 21, 2009

Show Highlights, Monday, Sept. 21st, 2009

Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Robert Knight. He is Senior Writer for Coral Ridge Ministries and Senior Fellow with the American Civil Rights Union.
They discussed Obama’s past history with ACORN, and how the media has avoided this story.

Then, Bob spoke with Paul Estabrooks. He is Minister at Large for Open Doors International.
They discussed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak to UN this Wed. The Christians in Iraq may be in danger.

Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Dr. Patrick Morley. He is Founder of “Man in the Mirror” Ministries. This is an organization to help men.
His book: Pastoring Men: what works, what doesn’t, and why it matters now, teaches Pastors the benefits of pasturing men in the church.

Topic: Bob took listener calls asking if they thought the NIV bible needed to be updated.

Then, Bob had in studio, Mitch Albom. He is a Columnist for the Detroit Free Press. He Hosts a daily show on WJR. He is a play write, author and has started three charities here in Detroit. His latest book: Have a Little Faith, is the true story of where Mitch parallel’s the lives of a Jewish Rabbi and an African American Pastor. Spending time with these men, helped him renew his faith.

Topic: Bob took calls asking, how do we preach exclusive one way, dogmatic, Jesus only way to an unbelieving world. Is it possible?

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