Friday, November 20, 2009

Show Highlights, Friday, Nov. 20th, 2009 My B-day!!

Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Grace Marie Turner. She is President of the “Galen Institute”.
They discussed the details of the Senate Healthcare bill.

Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Jan Kinne Conway. She is a Registered Nurse who presently serves at the University of the Nations in Kona, Hawaii. She has ministered in over 40 countries.
Her book: The Finisher: a new path for your second half, helps us in midlife to re evaluate ourselves, and our goals, and change what we need.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Robert Schuller. He is former Pastor of the Crystal Cathedral. He is author of 12 books. His book:Leaning into God, helps us Christians examine why we some time walk away from God during tough times. He gives tools needed to learn to lean on God more.

To read the movie reviews Bob and Rod Gustafson spoke of, go to

Topic: Free for all Friday!!!

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