Monday, November 2, 2009

Show Highlights, Nov. 2nd, 2009

Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with David Gaubatz. He is a veteran federal investigator. He is also a counter-terrorist specialist. They discussed last Wednesday’s fatal shooting between the leader of a faction of Islamic radicals and an FBI agent.

Then, Bob spoke with Dale Buss. He is a local journalist that writes for The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. They discussed Dr. James Dobson leaving Focus on The Family.

Bob Dutko Show

Topic: Bob told listeners of his "date night" encounter with his wife, and how he handled the loud young girls at the next table. He took listener calls, asking how they might handle the same situation.

Topic: Bob then discussed the shootout that took place Wed. in Detroit between a leader of a faction of Islamic radicals. and a FBI agent. The Imam shot at the FBI agent and missed, but the agent fired back in defense and killed him.
Bob took calls asking how listeners felt about how the Muslims in Detroit came to his defense and considered him a hero.

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