Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Show Highlights, Wednesday, Nov.4th, 2009

Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Dale Buss. He is a local journalist who writes for the Wall Street Journal and USA today.
He gave an analysis of the elections yesterday and how the Republicans did.

Then, Bob spoke with Nathaniel Bennett. He is Director of Government Affairs for the ACLJ.
They discussed the U.N. considering a “Defamation of Religions”.

Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Dinesh D’Souza. He is co founder and Director of Y God Institute. He served as senior policy analyst at the Reagan White House. He has appeared on O’Reilly Factor and the Today Show and Hannity and Colmes. His book: Life after Death: the evidence, offers more of a secular view to prove the Christian view of life after death is a correct one.

Topic: There is a church in Chicago that gives away money at each service to attract more visitors. Bob took listener calls asking if that was a good way to grow a church.

Then, Bob spoke with Craig Shirley. He is the President of Shirley and Banister Public Affairs.
His book: Rendezvous with Destiny: Ronald Reagan and the campaign that changed America, shows how Reagan turned the GOP around and how it can be good again.

Topic: Bob took listener calls asking if Christian broadcasters should be alarmed with the “Hate Crimes” bill passing.

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