Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Show Highlights, Wednesday, Jan.20th, 2010

Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Michael Huttner. He is Founder of ProgessNow and author of “50 Ways You Can Help Obama Change America”.
With today being the One year anniversary of Obama’s inauguration, they discussed what he has accomplished, and not.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Charles Dunn. He is Dean of Regent University’s School of Government.
They discussed Scott Brown winning Senate seat in Massachusetts. Woo-Woo!!!!

Bob Dutko Show
Bob had in studio the Stand Strength Team. Terry Nalian (Shrek) Bryan Dorsey (Ironman) and Scott Miller (The Bull Dog) . They did feats of strength for us. Terry tore a phone book in half. Ironman broke a bat behind his back in half, and Bulldog blew up a hot water bottle. Yes, by mouth. To visit their website to see where they will be next go to

Topic: Bob asked listeners to call in and tell what the one thing President Obama has done right and wrong in his first year in office.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. T. David Gordon. He is professor of Religion and Greek at Grove City College. His book: Why Johnny Can’t Preach: the media have shaped the messengers, explores and explains how the media has changed preaching.

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