Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Show Highlights, Wed. Feb.8th, 2012

The Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Dale Buss. He is Local Journalist and author who analyses matters of faith, culture, media and politics for Wall Street Journal, Fox Business and Chief Executive Magazine.
He discussed how Rick Santorum won all three primaries. Also, whether Romney is worried now.

Then, Bob spoke with Austin Nimocks. He is Senior Legal Counsel for Alliance Defense Defund. They discussed Americans wanting to keep marriage to stay between one man and one woman. (California prop 8)

The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Pastor Byron Yawn. He is Pastor of Community Bible Church in Nashville, Tenn. His book: What Every Man Wishes His Father Had Told Him, examines the instructions the Bible gives to men.

Open line topic:
Bob took listener calls asking if we have too many programs for the poor? Does the Government make it too easy for people to stay on welfare?

Then, Bob spoke with Kathy Pride. She is author and seminary student. Her latest book; Undoing Church, shows how we as Christians need to be “the church”. The church is not in a building somewhere. Many Christians are leaving the church in large amounts. They also touched on, how not to allow obedience to become legalism in your life and much more.

Open line topic:
Michigan pastor reported one of his members. Because the member confessed to raping a 9 year old child. Bob took calls asking if the pastor was right or wrong in reporting his church member that confessed.

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