Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Show Highlights, Wed July 11th, 2012

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Jeff Walton. He is a Anglican Reporter for The Institute on Religion and Democracy. They discussed how the Episcopal Church is getting even more liberal with allowing transgendered people to be ordained in church.

Then, Bob spoke with Matt Cover. He is Staff Writer for They discussed how balancing the federal budget would cost us much higher taxation.

The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Matt Kibbe. He is President and CEO of Freedom Works. He is Senior Fellow at the Austrian Economics Center in Vienna. His book: Hostile Takeover: resisting centralized Governments stronghold on America, examines how we can turn the power back to the people.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Jason Lisle. He is a Astrophysicist. He holds a Bachelor of science degrees in Physics and Astronomy from Ohio Wesleyan University. His book: The Stargazers Guide to the Night Sky, examines a young Earth, and other planets and the stars from a Christian Scientist perspective.

Then, Bob gave further evidence proving the earth is only a few thousand year old, and not millions of years old.

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