Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Show Highlights, Monday, Oct. 29th, 2012

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Tara Ross. She is an Electoral College expert. She has written for USA Today, National Law Journal and many more. She discussed what will happen if election ends in an electoral college tie.

The Bob Dutko Show.
Today, Bob had in studio Andrew Rocky Raczkowski. He is a former Michigan State Rep and a Lt Col in the U.S. Army Reserves.
He went over all six of Michigan’s proposals.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Randy Reese. He serves as adjunct faculty at Fuller Theological Seminary. His book: Deep Mentoring: guiding others on their leadership journey, shows how we can help co workers and friends be leaders.

Open line topic: With the weather peeps saying Hurricane Sandy may be the biggest hurricane in U.S. history, Bob asked if listeners thought it may be from God.

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