Monday, October 1, 2012

Show Highlights, Monday, Oct.1st, 2012

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Ed Klein. He is Former Foreign Editor of News Week. He is former Editor - in Chief of the New York Times Magazine. He is author of The Amateur.
They discussed Romney having a possible advantage over Obama for the first debate this Wed night.

The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob had in studio Wayne county Sen. Patrick Colbeck of district 7. He gave the top 6 Michigan proposals that will be on ballet in Nov. He discussed what they are, and the pros and cons of them. Go to to see proposals.

Then, Bob spoke with Pastor Tullian Tchividjian. He is grandson of Dr. Billy Graham. His recent book: Glorious Ruin: how suffering sets you free, gives the stages of suffering and how to deal with each stage.

Open line topic: Viral video touting free Obama phone, puts spotlight on federal program. Bob took calls asking if “lower income” people are entitled to get free phones paid by us tax payers.

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