Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Show Highlights, Tuesday, Oct. 23rd, 2012

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Andrew Rocky Raczkowski. He is a former Michigan State Rep. He is a Lt Col in U.S. Army Reserves.
He gave analysis of presidential debate last night.

The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Dr. J.D. Payne. He is Pastor of Church Multiplication for The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Al. His book: Strangers Next Store: immigration, migration and mission. Shows us how to minister to the many different people that come to America from other countries.

Then, Bob spoke with Jim Daly. He is CEO and President of Focus on The Family. His book: Refocus: living a life that reflects Gods heart. He encourages people to follow God instead of our political leaders.

Then, Bob had ONLY listeners that have politically different marriages. He asked them how do they maintain a good marriage when they are politically unequally yoked.

Then, Bob spoke with Jonathan Larson. His book: Making Friends Among the Taliban. Is the journey and life story of Dan Terry. He was one of ten killed in 2012 in Afghanistan. He was an American Humanitarian Worker.

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