Friday, November 30, 2012

Show Highlights, Thursday, Nov. 29th, 2012

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Matt Cover. He is Staff Writer for They discussed O’Brien Industrial Holdings of St. Louis, Mo, winning a victory against government concerning HHS Mandate.

Then, Bob spoke with Celia Bigelow. She is Campus Director of American Majority Action. She has appeared on Fox News.
They discussed the young people ages 18-26 voted for Obama, but will be feeling the pain of higher health care costs when Obamacare kicks in.

The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Pastor David Hansen. He is Pastor of Heritage Community Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. His book: The Art of Pastoring: ministering without all the answers. He helps pastors in the many issues they face.

Open line: Pat Robertson of the 700 Club, came out and said that Dinosaurs prove young earth creationists are wrong. Bob took listener calls asking if they agreed with Pat.

Open line topic: Glenn Beck put Obama Bobblehead in a jar of colored water to look like urine. He was trying to prove a point. Because an artist is displaying what he calls “art” at Burker Hill Community College, a jar of his own urine with a statue of Jesus in it. Glenn wanted to show how disrespectful this is.

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