The Bob Dutko News Hour
Today, Bob spoke with Andrew Rocky Raczkowski. He is former Michigan State Rep. He is a LT Col in U.S. Army Reserves. They discussed whether the Obama Admin pushing gun control will hurt Democrats in 2016.
The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Pastor Tom Hobson. He is Adjunct Pprofessor at Morthland College in West Frankfort Illinois. His book: What’s on God’s Sin List for Today?
Examines what is sin in God’s eyes..
Open line topic: Sen Rick Santorum was supposed to speak at Gross Point High here in Michigan. His speaking engagement was cancelled by the school because they don’t like his view of not being in support of same-sex-marriage. With the school admin getting some heat from Conservative students, he now has been asked to come speak again, and the school will give students a permission slip to give to their parents. REALLY!!! This is the liberal left censoring the Right.
Sen Santorum is speaking on leadership, not social issues.
Bob took calls asking how they felt about this school trying to stop Sen Santorum from speaking.
Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Deborah Brunt. She holds a doctorate of practical ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute. Her book: We Confess!! The Civil War, The South and The Church, examines the impact the Civil Wars has had on the church.