Monday, September 30, 2013

Show Highlights, Friday, Sept. 27th, 2013

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Dr. Bob Fu. He is a former pastor of an illegal underground church in China. He and his wife escaped prison in 1997 and fled to the United States. He is author of God’s Double Agent: the true story of Chinese Christian’s fight for freedom.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. David C. Cooper. He is Pastor of the 11,000 member Mount Paran Church. He is also a licensed therapist.
He is author of Unfinished Business: change your thinking, deal with your past, and move on.

To read the movie reviews Bob and Rod Gustafson spoke of, go to

Open line topic: Free For All Friday!!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Show Highlights, Thursday, Sept.26th, 2013

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Hans Von Spakovsky. He is Senior Legal Fellow with the Heritage Foundation.

They discussed Sen. Ted Curz’s crusade. Did it help, or hurt? Will Gov still shutdown?

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Dr. Iban Berman. He is Vice President of the American Foreign Policy Council.
He is author of Implosion: the end of Russia and what it means for America.

Open line topic: Michigan may be passing a bill that would make those on welfare, have to do community service and pass drug tests.
Bob took listener calls asking their thoughts on this bill.

Then, Bob spoke with Roy Page. He is CEO of Third Degree Advertising. He is author of A Letter To Evan: an average dad’s journey and discernment through divorce.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Show Highlights, Wednesday, Sept. 25th, 2013

Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Clarke Forsythe. He is Senior Counsel for Americans United For Life. He is author of Abuse of Discretion: the inside story of Roe v Wade.

Then, Bob had in studio Julie Lamphier and David Sanders. They are a brother and sister team. Who own and operate Attuned Mind Brain Life Center in Clarkston.
They discussed the many ways the Brain Wave Optimization works. #248-922-9490

Then, Bob spoke with Pastor Kevin De Young. He is Senior Pastor at University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Mi. He is author of Crazy Busy:a mercifully short book about a really big problem.

Open line topic: Senator Ted Cruz (R) crusaded for almost 24 hours in Congress. He crusaded against Government shutdown and Obama Care, angering many in his party.
Bob took listener calls asking what they thought? Wasting time, or a hero?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Show Highlights, Tuesday, Sept. 24th, 2013

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Christopher Doyle. He is Co-founder and President of Voices of the Voiceless. Oct. 22nd-28th is The American Library Association’s “Banned Books Week”. Which will include any ex Homosexual books or literature.

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Pastor Robert Morgan. He is Pastor of Donelson Fellowship in Nashville Tenn. He is author of Prayers and Promises for Worried Parents.

Then, Bob gave the statistics of those that believe in Satan here in the U.S. and around the world.

Then, Bob spoke with Pastor Kent Philpott. He is Pastor of Miller Church in California. He is author of If The Devil Wrote a Bible.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Show Highlights, Monday, Sept. 23rd, 2013

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Dr.Dwight Carlson. He is a retired psychiatrist and Internist.
He is author of Who’ll Be In Heaven & Who Wont?. Dr. Carlson addresses the parochial and universal views of who will be allowed into Heaven. Publisher: West Bow Press

Then, Bob spoke with Al Kresta. Al is host of “Kresta in the Afternoon” on Ave Maria Radio.
They discussed the Popes recent interview with Antonio Spadaro. Editor in Chief of La Civilta Cattolica, concerning the Popes remarks about Homosexuals.

Then, Bob spoke with Mark Leibovich. He is Chief National Correspondent for The New York Times Magazine.
He is author of This Town: two parties and a funeral, plus plenty of valet parking! In America’s gilded capital. Publisher: Penguin

Show Highlights, Friday, Sept. 20th, 2013

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Peter LaBarbera. Who is President of Americans for truth About Homosexuality.
They discussed how communities need to crack down on “pride parades” and not be concerned with back lash from gay activist groups.

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Eric Samuel Timm. He is author of Static Jedi; the art of hearing God through the noise.

Then, Bob spoke with Pastor Steve Foss. He is author of Grace Is Not a Get Out of Hell Free Card.

To read the movie reviews Bob and Rod Gustafson spoke of, go to

Open line topic: Free For All Friday !!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Show Highlights, Thursday, Sept. 19th, 2013

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Dr. Gregory Jantz. He is a nationally certified psychologist with a doctorate in counseling psychology. He is author of over 20 books, including “Raising Boys By Design: what the Bible and brain science reveal about what your son needs to thrive.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. John Delgado. He is Founder and President of Vision International Leadership Network. He is author of Destroy The Works of The Enemy: a deliverance manual for spiritual warfare.

Then, Bob continued in his apologetics series of educating us in how to talk to the skeptic.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Show Highlights, Wednesday, Sept. 18th, 2013

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Dan Gainor. He is Vice President of Business and Culture for the Media Research Center.
They discussed how the government, after the Navy yard shooting in DC, wants to change the terminology from “gun control” to gun reform” to try and take control of our guns.

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Kirk Cameron. He is best known for his role as Mike Seaver on Growing Pains and his movie Fireproof. He has a new movie coming out Sept 24th called Unstoppable. To get tickets go to

Then, Bob spoke with Evangelist Ray Comfort. Ray co hosts the TV program along with Kirk Cameron “The Way of The Master”. He has a new movie out called “Evolution vs God”.

Open Line Topic: The man (Aaron Alexis) that killed many at the Navy Yard shooting this week in DC , was hearing voices in his head, which raises the possibility of mental illness. Bob took listener calls asking if someone claiming to hear voices in their head, is it demonic or just mental illness.

Then, Bob spoke with author Lisa Harper. She is author of Overextended: and loving most of it. How can we do Gods work in our busy lives and enjoy it?

Open line topic: The shooter in DC, Aaron Alexis played violent video games for up to 18 hours a day. Bob took listener calls asking if they thought violent games cause people to do violent acts.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Show Highlights, Tuesday, Sept. 17th, 2013

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Brad Mattes. He is CEO of Life Issues Institute.
They discussed the possible mandate in Washington, DC, that would make people wait 24 hours to get a tattoo or body piercing, but not an abortion. REALLY !!!!

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Dr. Ron Phillips. He is pastor of Abba’s House in Chattanooga, Tenn. He is author of Unexplained Mysteries of Heaven and Hell.

Open line topic: With the latest mass shooting in a Navy yard in Washington, Bob took calls asking their thoughts on this shooting. Should there be stronger gun laws? Their thought on this man having mental illness.

Then, Bob spoke with Bob and Cheryl Moeller. They are authors of the book : Getting Your Husband To Talk To you: secrets to helping him share his heart.

Open line topic: tonight is the last show before the final show of “America’s Got Talent”. The operatic group “Forte” grabbed many viewers with their song that is actually a prayer. Bob took listener calls asking their thoughts about this group, and the show.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Show Highlights, Monday, Sept 16th, 2013

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Dr. Jack Graham. He is Pastor or Prestonwood Baptist Church which is has a congregation of 30,000. He is author of the book Unseen: what you need to know about angels, demons, Heaven and Hell.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Jim Henderson, who is a former pastor and author of the book Saving Casper: a Christian and an Atheist talk about why we need to change the conversion conversation.

Open line topic: President Vladimir Putin of Russia says Americans need to be cautious with saying we are the best country. Because he says God created us all equal.
Bob took listener calls asking if they agreed with Putin or not, and why.

Show Highlights, Friday, Sept.13th, 2013

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Tim Graham. He is Director of Media Analyses for Media Research Center.
They discussed how interesting it is that Hollywood Celebrities are being so silent on Syria.

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with ken Davis. He is President of Dynamic Communities International. He hosts a daily radio show “ Lighten Up!”.
He is author of Secrets of Dynamic Communication.

Then, Bob spoke with Carl Prude Jr. he is a former pastor. He is author of Anchored In Light: understanding and overcoming the five deadliest threats to your faith.

To read the movie reviews Bob and Rod Gustafson spoke of, go to

Open line topic: Free For All Friday!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Show Highlights, Thursday, Sept 12th, 2013

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Scott Evans. He is Founder and CEO of Outreach, Inc. They discussed the National Back to Church Sunday, this Sunday. For more info..go to

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Samuel Katz. He is a Middle East expert. He is co author of Under Fire: the untold story of the attack in Benghazi.

Open line topic: Matthew Cordle was trunk and hit a man and killed him. He made a You Tube video recently and confessed to this. Bob took listener calls, asking how they feel about this video. Should the courts show leniency?

Then, Bob spoke with Pastor Shane Stanford. He is author of Five Stones: conquering your giants, he uses the story of David and Goliath, and personal testimony to show how we can conquer those giants in our own lives.

Open line topic: Pope Francis reaches out to Atheists and Agnostics and says that he believes they can go to Heaven as long as they behave morally and live according to their consciences. Bob took listener calls asking how they felt about his statement.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Show Highlights, Wednesday, Sept.11th, 2013

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with David LeRoy. He is author of the historical novel “The Siren of Paris”. They discussed what will the cost be if America goes to war with Syria.

Then, Bob spoke with Geoff Dickens. He is Contributing Editor of News Busters.
They discussed this being the One Year Anniversary of Benghazi attack.

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Dr. Caroline Leaf. She is author of Switch on Your Brain: the key to peak happiness thinking, and health.

Then, Bob spoke with Jason Gortney. He is a pilot with a major airline. He discussed how he felt on 9/11, and what he experienced as a pilot.

Then, Bob spoke with Pastor Bob Franquiz. He is Pastor of Calvary Fellowship in Miami Florida. He is author of Begin: first steps for the journey of faith.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Show Highlights, Tuesday, Sept.10th, 2013

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Derryck Green. He is a member of the black leadership group :Project 21”.
They discussed why the politicians are keeping silent about the black unemployment.

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Pastor Max Lucado. He is Pastor of Oak Hill Church in Texas. He has over a 100 million products in print, 82,000 of them being books. His latest book : You’ll Get Through This: hope and help for your turbulent times.

Open line topic: Bob took listener calls asking what should the U.S. do about Syria.

Then, Bob spoke with Tevi Troy. He is Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute. He is a presidential historian.
He is author of What Jefferson Read, Ike Watched, and Obama Tweeted: 200 years of popular culture in the White House.

Open line topic: Bob took listener calls asking why do they think President Obama is ignoring Pastor Saeed Abedini’s case. Why is he staying silent and not helping this U.S. citizen out of the Iranian prison.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Show Highlights, Monday, Sept.9th, 2013

The Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob had in studio, Mrs. Naghmeh Abedinin. Her husband, Pastor Saeed Abedini was arrested in Iran when going there to build an orphanage. He is an American citizen and a Christian. He is being help in prison for converting to Christianity from Islam. Our President and his administration has kept silence on this manner. Other governments will not help, because our president is silent.

Then, Bob spoke with Cindy McGill. She is author of What Your Dreams Are Telling You: unlocking solutions while you sleep.

Then, Bob continues with his Apologetics training course series.

Show Highlights, Friday, Sept. 6th, 2013

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Rick Manning who is Vice President of Public Policy for Americans for Limited Government.
They discussed the results for August’s economy. More than half a million leave the labor force.

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Dr. Linda Solie. She is author of Take Control of Your Emotions: seven steps to overcoming depression, anxiety, and anger.

Then, Bob spoke with Anita Agers- Brooks. She is author of Forest Hired, Last Fired: how to become irreplaceable in any job market.

To read the movie reviews Bob and Rod Gustafson spoke of…go to

Open line topic: Free For All Friday!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Show Highlights, Thursday, Sept 5th, 2013

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Bob spoke with Terry Jeffrey. He is Editor in Chief for
They discussed what affect a strike on Syria would have on Al-Qaidi.

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Peter Greer. He is President and CEO of Hope International. He is author of The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good.

Then, Bob gave the evidence that Dinosaurs are thousands of years old, not millions.

Then, Bob spoke with Dr. Kevin leman. He is an internationally known psychologist. His latest book is Parenting Your Powerful Child: bringing an end to the everyday battles.

Open line topic:
The American Bible Society has done a poll and found that 4 our 10 people read God’s word digitally.
Bob took listener calls asking if they preferred reading the Bible electronically or print.

Show Highlights, Wednesday, Sept.4th, 2013

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Bob spoke with Pastor Matt Keller. He is Pastor of Next Level Church in Florida. His book: God of the UnderDogs, helps Christians that want to get past their mistakes and live for Christ and be affective.

Open line topic:
A family owned Christian bakery, under investigation for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, has been forced to close after a vicious boycott by militant homosexual activists. Bob took listener calls asking their thoughts on Christian business owners refusing to serve homosexuals because of their convictions.

Then, Bob spoke with Pastor Charles Simpson. His book: Straight Answers to 21 Honest Questions About Prayer, helps us to understand prayer, and the benefits of prayer.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Show Highlights, Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 2013

The Bob Dutko News Hour

Today, Rabbi Glenn Harris filled in for Bob.
He spoke with David Rubin. He is former mayor of Shiloh, Israel. They discussed why Assad is threatening to attack Israel.

Then, Rabbi Glenn spoke with Lt. Col Bob Maginnis. He serves as Senior Fellow for National Security at Family Research Council. He discussed how we will be affected if President Obama allows for an attack on Syria.

The Bob Dutko Show

Today, Rabbi Glenn Harris filled in for Bob.
He spoke with Dr. Tim Kimmel. He is author of Grace Filled Marriage.

Then, Rabbi Glenn spoke with Raymond Ibraham. He is author of Crucified Again.

Then, Rabbi spoke with Rabbi Loren Jacobs about the meaning and prophetic implications of the Jewish high holidays.

Then, Rabbi Glenn spoke with Mark Van Steenwyk. He is author of The Unkingdom of God.

Then, lastly Rabbi spoke with Daveed Gartenstein. They discussed what can the U.S. do concerning Syria.

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