Bob Dutko Show
Today, Bob spoke with Clarke Forsythe. He is Senior Counsel for Americans United For Life. He is author of Abuse of Discretion: the inside story of Roe v Wade.
Then, Bob had in studio Julie Lamphier and David Sanders. They are a brother and sister team. Who own and operate Attuned Mind Brain Life Center in Clarkston.
They discussed the many ways the Brain Wave Optimization works. #248-922-9490
Then, Bob spoke with Pastor Kevin De Young. He is Senior Pastor at University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Mi. He is author of Crazy Busy:a mercifully short book about a really big problem.
Open line topic: Senator Ted Cruz (R) crusaded for almost 24 hours in Congress. He crusaded against Government shutdown and Obama Care, angering many in his party.
Bob took listener calls asking what they thought? Wasting time, or a hero?