Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Tuesday 11 – 19 – 13
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
MSNBC’s Martin Bashir apologizes for saying on-air that someone should defecate and urinate in Sarah Palin’s mouth.
Liberal Media regularly compare debt to “slavery” just as Palin did.
MSNBC stands by Bashir, actually promoted and encouraged viewers to watch his comments on the MSNBC Twitter account.
Cher tweets Sarah Palin is a “dumb c**t”.
Marxist turned conservative David Horowitz says “The Communist Party is the Democratic Party”.
Many college students seeing insurance premiums skyrocket due to Obamacare.
News Hour Guest Interview: Day Gardner, Founder and President: National Black Pro-Life Union to discuss Oprah Winfrey saying Obama get’s criticism because he’s black.
Rest of the Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Jerry Mitchell, author of “Bondage to Blessing: A Spiritual Guide to Finances in the End Times”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
How Obamacare penalizes marriage: The numbers.
Costco sells Bibles as “Fiction”.
School cancels Operation Christmas Child after lawsuit threat from Humanist group.
Norway News Anchor banned from wearing small visible cross necklace.
Guest Interview: Dr. Barry Asmuz, economist and author of “The Poverty of Nations: to discuss how encouraging a free market system in poor countries is what will best help worldwide poverty.
Guest Interview: Scott Goodwin and Jim Scieszka of Goodwin & Scieszka Law Center to answer legal questions of listeners.