Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Tuesday 11 – 26 – 13
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Obama betrays American Pastor held in Iran.
Benjamin Netanyahu criticizes Obama’s Iran deal in phone call.
Gallup: 69% satisfied with their current health coverage.
NOAA: 2013 slowest Atlantic hurricane year in 30 years.
Central Michigan University Pro-life display destroyed.
News Hour Guest Interview: Kevin Martin with the Project 21 Black Leadership Network to discuss the rash of racist “knockout” games.
Rest of the Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Scott Kelso, author of “Let’s See What Sticks” to discuss “Kingdom Living” in today’s world.
An examination of the pattern of deliberate dishonesty President Obama has shown on several issues over the years.
Guest Interview: Dr. Robert Tracy McKenzie, Professor and Chair of the History Department at Wheaton College to discuss his book “The First Thanksgiving”.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the unwillingness of President Obama to secure the release of Pastor Saeed Abedini as part of the Iranian/U.S. sanctions deal.