Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Tuesday 01 – 14 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Declassified Benghazi documents reveal top Defense officials told Obama it was terrorist attack immediately.
Feds investigating whether Chris Christie improperly used Hurricane Sandy relief funds for Jersey Shore tourism ads.
Christie office says Obama administration approved Jersey Shore tourism ads.
Supreme Court set to strike down Obama’s recess appointments.
Hillary kept political enemies “hit list”.
Planned Parenthood’s latest report: 149 abortions for every one adoption referral.
Supreme Court lets stand a court ruling overturning Arizona’s 20 week abortion ban.
News Hour Guest Interview: Barbara Boland with to discuss Planned Parenthood’s 149 to 1 abortion to adoption referral ratio.
Guest Interview: Pamela Christian, author of “Examine Your Faith” to discuss basic apologetics.
Other Issues Discussed…..
An examination of the false teachings of Marianne Williamson and “A Course in Miracles”.
A lighthearted discussion on eating pizza with a fork.
Guest Interview: Rachel Macy Stafford, author of “Hands Free Mama” to discuss how moms can better prioritize their lives.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the political debate over making food stamp recipients either work or do community service to earn their food.