Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Wednesday 02 – 12 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Republican controlled House gives Democrats a debt ceiling increase without a fight or even conditions.
Boehner’s office on Obama “rewriting” the ACA with another delay: “We are examining all of our options”.
Ice expert predicts Lake Superior will completely freeze over this winter.
Thought Police: Obama administration forcing employers to “swear” under penalty of perjury that lay offs are not due to Obamacare.
Federal Appeals Court upholds California’s ban on gay reparative therapy.
News Hour Guest Interview: Russ Jalbert, President of the Jalbert Financial Group to discuss the possibility of a Stock Market crash.
Rest of the Show…..
Guest Interview: Jake Olson, 16 and blind, media sensation for his golfing, football playing and more and author of “Open Your Eyes”.
More Creation Science evidence was offered.
Guest Interview: Dr. Annie Arrey-Mensah to discuss allergies and asthma.
Guest Interview: Pastor Van Moody, author of “The People Factor” to discuss how to have healthy relationships.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on whether drinking beer should or should not be acceptable for Christians.