Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Show Highlights, Wednesday, Feb 26th, 2014

Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Wednesday 02 – 26 – 14

Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Mitt Romney says Jan Brewer should veto Arizona’s Religious Protection Bill.
HHS Secretary Sebelius denies the Administration projected 7 million Obamacare enrollees by March 30, 2014 in spite of her NBC interview last Fall saying they would get “7 million” by March 30, 2014.

Attorney General Eric Holder encourages State Attorneys General to not enforce their own state’s anti-gay marriage laws.

Outraged reaction to Eric Holder encouraging state Attorneys General to ignore their own marriage laws.

CNN continues it’s hypocritical, obsessive “outrage” over Ted Nugent amidst continued silence over Bill Maher.

New York Times cartoon jokes that Global Warming deniers should be stabbed to death.

Coalition of black Pastors petition to have Eric Holder impeached.

White Ohio man survives black mob “polar bear attack” when pocket Bible over heart stops bullets.

U.S. and Canada laws are more pro-abortion than 96% of all other nations.

News Hour Guest Interview: Travis Weber with the Family Research Council to discuss a new Poll showing 61% of Americans think Pastors should openly oppose the Obama Administration policies that threaten religious freedoms.
Rest of the Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Brandon Cox, author of “Rewired” to discuss how the Church today can and should use the latest technology in our relationships.
Guest Interview: Denise Dalrymple, CEO of the SE Michigan Girl Scouts to debate the Girl Scouts cookie boycott.
Guest Interview: Matt Perman, author of “What’s Best Next” to discuss why Christians sometimes lag behind the secular world in overall productivity.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the ethical debate of allowing scientists to create human embryos with the DNA of 3 parents as a means of eliminating certain genetic diseases in people.

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