Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Wednesday 02 – 05 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
My analysis of the Creation/Evolution debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye.
CBO Report: Obamacare to cost 2.3 million jobs.
New York City Public schools to close school for Muslim holidays and the “lunar new year”.
NAACP official: GOP uses “people of color” as “mouthpieces”.
National debt now up $6.666 Trillion since Obama took over.
High School football coach ordered to stop attending baptisms that include his players…..on their own time.
News Hour Guest Interview: Sally Wagenmaker, Special Counsel with the Thomas More Society to discuss President Obama claiming there is “not even a smidgen” of IRS corruption.
Rest of the Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Charles Stone, author of “People Pleasing Pastors” to discuss pastors who try too hard to please everyone.
Other Issues Discussed…..
In light of the Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate on Evolution, I took an hour and refuted many claims given by Bill Nye.
Guest Interview: Blaine Carman, author of “My Miracle on Mount Shasta” to discuss his surviving being lost in the wilderness.
I continued my rebuttals to Bill Nye’s claims during last night’s debate with Ken Ham.