Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Monday 03 – 03 – 14
Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Dismissing Obama’s tough talk warnings, Putin moves toward military force in Ukraine.
Sarah Palin was mocked and ridiculed in 2008 when she predicted that Obama’s weakness would result in Putin someday invading the Ukraine.
Romney/Obama 2012 debate: Obama mocked Romney’s concern regarding Russia.
New Liam Neeson thriller “Non-Stop” pushes anti-military liberalism.
Piers Morgan to do other things at CNN after being fired from his prime time show.
In Mississippi, 72% of all abortions are on black babies.
Republican Senators press FBI for answers in Dinesh D’Souza indictment.
CNN: Is Jesus in new “Son of God” movie too “sexy”?
Purdue University removes “God” from donor’s plaque.
Planned Parenthood President squirms, dodges and refuses to answer “when does life begin?”
Rest of the Show…..
Guest Interview: Alex McFarland, author of “10 Issues That Divide Christians”.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the movie “Son of God”.
Guest Interview: Marion Wells, author of “Dogs to the Rescue” to discuss what positive God messages we can learn from dogs.
Other Issues Discussed……
In light of actress Leah Remini leaving the Church of Scientology, I gave an examination of the teachings and beliefs of Scientology